Publications & Articles
Summer 2015 | "Teaching Choral Music as an Orff Schulwerk Instructor" in The Orff Echo, Vol.47, No. 4.
November 2014 | "The Effects of Vocal Register Use and Age on the Perceived Vocal Health of Male Elementary Music Teachers" in Update: Applications of Research in Music Education with Ryan A. Fisher
Spring 2011 |
President's Column, The Orff Echo: "Improvisation: Carpe Diem"
Winter 2010 |
President's Column, The Orff Echo: "The Importance of Drama in Orff Schulwerk"
Fall 2010 |
President's Column, The Orff Echo: "Finding Common Ground through the Volumes"
Fall 2009 |
President's Column, The Orff Echo: "Lifelong Learning in Orff Schulwerk"
Winter 2007 Vol. 20, No. 2 |
"Me? Teach Improvisation to Children?" in General Music Today, a publication of MENC.
Diane Persellin, Editor of General Music Today writes: "Julie Scott opens this issue by asking the question, “Me? Teach Improvisation to Children?” She examines the first three of John Kratus’s seven levels of improvisation, which are most appropriate to elementary school. These three levels are Exploration and Process-Oriented Improvisation, which lead to Product-Oriented Improvisation. Scott shares some excellent creative strategies for encouraging our students to improvise within a structured, sequential program. Yes, we can all learn to teach improvisation!"
2002 - 2005 |
Contributing Author to the Pearson/Silver Burdett textbook series Making Music. Her lessons and arrangements appear in the 2005 edition.
Spring 2003 |
“Selecting ‘Quality’ Songs for the Elementary Music Class” was published in the Southwestern Musician.
March 2000 |
“Revive, Renew, and Rejuvenate” was published in the Spring 2000 issue of Connections, the periodical of the Texas Music Educators Conference.
January 1999 |
Contributed an article to a set of articles titled “TMEC Convention Sessions: Improvisation and Brain Research,” which was published in the Winter 1998/1999 issue of Connections, the periodical of the Texas Music Educators Conference.
October 1998 |
Contributing author to the “It Works For Me” column of the Southwestern Musician: “Sharing Orff Instruments in the Elementary Classroom.”
Fall 1997 |
Authored Stepping Stones: An Ecumenical Children's Choir Curriculum, Early Childhood, Year Three, published by Choristers Guild. The children's choir from Holy Trinity Catholic School recorded the demonstration tape for the book under her teaching and direction. The book is sold through Choristers Guild.
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